Super Home Practice Football Games E-Book
Our E-book contains HOURS worth of football entertainment that your Super Star can enjoy at home or in the park, using just a football and some household items!
We have selected 16 games that our very own Super Stars love playing at our weekly classes, adapting them so that they can be enjoyed at home to ease those boredom shouts! Each game includes:
- A diagram of set up
- Equipment required (You will need just a football to start and we have included alternative items incase you do not have football equipment)
- How to play
- Coaching points and challenges
We have four categories of games, easily organised so you can quickly find the right type of game you wish to play:
- Dribbling
- Passing
- Shooting
- Challenges
Also included in our E-book is a 10% off voucher to be used in our store for future purchases ⚽️🙂
This a book for your Super Star and you to enjoy that will create family bonds, provide hours of entertainment and you can even create family competitions out of the games too!
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